Monday, July 11, 2005


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy, and truthfully, I haven't been in the mood to write. However, today I can happily report that Gregory is not going to Germany after all! Yay!!

New things Hunter did since I last wrote:

He's cruising with ease around the furniture and pulling himself up all by himself.


He blows raspberries!

He's getting a third tooth next to his two lower front teeth... but none up top yet!

He balanced standing up on his own for a few seconds.

He's a maniac crawler.

He's eating solids like a champ.

We went to the zoo yesterday, and he exchanged grunts with a monkey there.

Well, I can't think of anything else for now. I'm going to go spend some time reading. I just finished Cane River by Lalita Tademy. AWESOME book. Now I'm reading Jonathon Strange & Mr Norrel by Susanna Clarke.


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